it was te pō (of darkness), te ao (of light)

Kei a te Pō te tīmatatanga o te waiatatanga mai a te Atua. ko te Ao, ko te Ao marama, ko te Ao tūroa. It was the night the atua sang the world into existence.

Acrylic & interference paint on canvas. Measures 145cm x 80cm.



e taea te pupuri o te kārearea?

Can the swoop of the kārearea (falcon) be restrained?

Acrylic & interference paint on canvas. Measures 144.5cm x 80cm.



E Kore e ngaro tona pouitanga, te marama o te titiwai

From the nothingness, hidden in the gloom comes the light of the titiwai (glow worm). The glowing lights falling from the ‘fishing threads’. They form the sides of the ara (pathways). Some say they lined the ara in the birthing of the children of Papatūānuku. They also formed the pathway for Maui in his pathway to Hinenuitepo. Others give the name pūrātoke or bright spark! When we have all the titiwai coming together we have some light. The light of the bright sparks! Reference in this work has been given to Matariki and her children forming a pathway.

Acrylic interference paint & gold leaf on canvas. Measures 145cm x 80cm.



te ao marama

From Te Ao, came Ranginui. From Te Po, came Papatūānuku. Te Ao Marama, the light of the world occupies the 'space between'. Tane separates his parents.

Acrylic interference paint & gold leaf on canvas. Measures 145cm x 80cm.



Whakawenga, the separation

Tane, in the separation of his parents, allowed the light to come through. With the light, also came the shadows (shown as Hinenuitepo).

Acrylic interference paint & gold leaf on canvas. Measures 80cm x 145cm.




In the form of a matau bringing the whakairo to tangata. References the great travellers who followed the trails to reach Aotearoa.

Acrylic interference paint on canvas. Measures 144.5cm x 80cm.



ara tohorĀ

Reference to the importance to the rohe (area) of Mohua (Golden Bay). This is an area where the travelling trails lead to an old birthing area and where the whales (tohora) can strand themselves. The background also references the old story of how the Kauri tree and the tohora swapped skins. The tohora comes back to the whenua and the kauri goes back to the sea in the form of waka.

Acrylic interference paint on canvas. Measures 145cm x 80cm.



ngā kaiwhakatere ara

The pathways to follow of the tohora (whales) and manu (birds).

Acrylic interference paint on canvas. Measures 145cm x 66cm.




Egg form (Tane took two eggs, one each from Punaweko and Hurumanu, blew on them and said 'give them life').

Life force of Ira Tangata. Life force of Ira Atua.

Acrylic interference paint on canvas. Measures 145cm x 66cm.



heI waiata

Kōkako (Story of Maui rewarding him for bringing water). Sounds of the forest (Wheke – daughter of Raukatauri) never seen.

Acrylic interference paint on canvas. Measures 145cm x 80cm.



hari tūī

Dance or flight of the tui. Reference tui flight. They have the ability to open their wing feathers to produce a flight noise that they use in flight to scare off others. They can fly upwards vertically then swoop low. They talk and they can sing. They are the holders of the esoteric knowledge.

Acrylic interference paint on canvas. Measures 145.5cm x 46.5cm.



tuhia ki te rangi, tuhia ki te whenua

Bind together the sky (rangi) and land (whenua). Manu (birds) are the connectors of these realms.

Acrylic interference paint on canvas. Measures 145cm x 80cm.




Acrylic interference paint on canvas. Measures 73.5cm x 131.5cm.



Parker Gallery - 90 Achilles Avenue, Nelson, New Zealand - 03 539 4280